Saturday, May 14, 2005

Cheaters has to be one of the funniest shows on late night television. I first stumbled upon the show about 3 years ago. I was having one of my many nights of insomnia, putting a disney puzzle together, and watching the tube...and there it was. from moment one, I was pretty hooked. The seriousness of the host...the dramatic responses from the doesn't get better than this, people! You can't help but wonder how these people do not know that their other halves are screwing around on them. Take the lady on here tonight. First, she has a nose ring...but it isn't one of those cute little studs that are hardly noticeable. It's a massive piece of metal, boaring a hole in this chick's nostril. It just ain't cute. Second, she is like 40 years old. She's trying to be all hard core...talkin' that ghetto talk. She's saying things like "cold busted"...yeah, that's attractive. Third, she's dating a dude named Grammy Lane (pornstar, stripper name, no doubt), who's a bouncer at a club...if that doesn't scream street thug, I don't know what does. Finally, she totally set herself up. Everyone knows you never make threats to kill someone while cameras are taping. Does she not watch Law and Order?? I especially love when the "victim" forces himself/herself to cry...but no tears ever actually appear. And when the "cheater" acts all surprised and starts denying that he/she is even there with this "unidentified" person..."what...who is this? I was just walking to my car and this naked woman jumped out the bushes and started humping my leg! I tried to get her off, but I'm a man and I gots needs, honey...." Fights break out...more fake tears are shed...the "cheater" now becomes the "victim" and Joey Greco is all up in the mess..."How do you feel now? Do you not have feelings for this person who gave you their time and energy? You don't love her, you only love yourself. We have you on tape, sir, and the tapes don't lie." Now that's quality television..

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