Friday, July 23, 2010

Moving on...what does that really mean? If you don't move on, then you stand in the same place....going nowhere. So, why do so many of us have such a hard time moving on? Three years ago, I met the man I thought I would be with forever. He said all the right things and made me laugh, something I really needed. I was his life, which was something I had never had before. He even wrote me a poem. I was happy. He was convinced from day one that we were meant to be. I was always hesitant and questioned how someone could be so sure of something so early. We all have our faults, right? And when you first meet someone, you don't always show them all the dirty little secrets you have tucked deep down in the crevices of your emotional closet. Before you know it, those dirty little secrets begin to creep their way out. People's true colors show. You begin to question just how much you are willing to take or even if the person you thought was so perfect for you is even worth fighting for. I stopped loving him because he stopped loving himself...and me. Compromises aren't meant to be one-sided and loving someone shouldn't bring your pain. So you tell yourself you are going to "move on" and put on a happy face because you are no longer allowing yourself to stay in that one place anymore. Until they meet someone else. And they begin to tell them all the things that were meant just for you. And even though you have "moved on" you find yourself hurting and remembering all the things that you once stuck again. So, here I am stuck in my own misery and despair, but why? In essence, I wasn't actually happy anymore. The person I met three years ago no longer existed. And quite frankly his "moving on" is nothing more than his feeble attempt to make me jealous or to find some comfort in his own sorry excuse for a life. Yet and still, I remain stuck...questioning myself and my ability to keep even the unworthy of men. Because he loved me like that once. He looked at me like that once. He wanted me like that once....Oh but what is this? She is a teacher, just like me. She works with special ed kids, just like me. She has a brother and a sister, just like me. She is just like me...except for not me, but now you love her? I can feel myself becoming unstuck....moving on....because I just realize why you love her so much and could "move on" so quickly. It's not because of her...but because she reminds you of me. So you didn't actually move on, you just found a version of me that was willing to accept the stuff from you that I wouldn't. And to tell the truth, since she is like me, she isn't going to want you,'s that for moving on?

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